gst compensation to states is legal obligation of centre not council former chairman cbic
6 hrs ago

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Section 18 of The Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016 clearly mentions that the responsibility of paying the GST compensation lies with the Centre, and not the Council, said former Chairman at Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs Sumit Dutt Majumder.

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  • 5h Covid Speed Read: Amitabh Bachhan out, Amit Shah in; Bengaluru device maker introduces Covid-19 killer
  • 23h GST – Unfinished agenda
  • 1d Covid Speed Read: Govt extends relief to professionals; GST Council to discuss Attorney General's opinion on compensation
  • 2d From Repair to Reconfigure: India Inc. and the Pandemic
  • 4d Covid Speed Read: Unlock III guidelines released; night curfew goes & gyms set to open
  • 5d Covid Speed Read: Fatality rate declines to 2.25%; HC seeks stand on insolvency code
  • 6d 200% sure we will bring down Chinese imports to zilch: Seshagiri Rao of JSW
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2 days ago

Don’t expect significant defaults in retail home loans after moratorium: PNB Housing CFO

Collection Efficiency has been improving, and the retail moratorium book, too, has come down from 49 per cent in the first phase to 29 per cent in the second phase, the factors indicating that significant defaults should not happen once the moratorium ends in August, said PNB Housing CFO Kapish Jain.

2 days ago

Covid Speed Read: India's fiscal deficit touches 83.2% of annual target; BRICS stresses on circular economy to recover from COVID impact

On Friday, facing the brunt of the Covid-induced lockdown toll, government extra borrowings to meet the revenue shortfall has pushed up the fiscal deficit at the end of June to Rs 6.62 lakh crore, 83.2% of the full-year budget estimate of Rs 7.96 lakh crore. The BRICS nations have called for an improvement of the environment and promoting a circular economy in national plans as steps towards Covid-19 recovery. ETCFO brings these updates and more.

3 days ago

India heads for economic contraction as domestic demand and global recession hit exports: Survey

街机模拟器Kaillerasrv直接下载_街机模拟器Kaillerasrv官网 ...:2021-8-19 · 目前唯一的模拟器联机平台程序,可伍在局域网和互联网上使用。目前支持的模拟器:WinKawaks,MAME32k、Gens、等。压缩包内置使用方法和中文版连接客户端程序:kailleraclient.dll(一般联机版本模拟器都带)0.92是非官方的版本,加强了稳定 ...


Bata wears a new pair of shoes for Covid-19 but demand slacks

Leading footwear retailer Bata India is trying to don a new look in the wake of the pandemic, trying to woo customers through different ways; however the demand has remained sluggish as of now.


Covid Speed Read: India Inc plays safe; DGCI asks Oxford Covid-19 vaccine to revise protocols

As India gears up for Unlock 3.0 in August, companies continue to play safe by revising WFH policy for employees to increase productivity. Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) and the Subject Expert Committee (SEC) seek clarifications from Serum Institute of India (SII) over its application for permission to conduct phase II and III human clinical trials of the Oxford Covid-19 vaccine. An Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) survey indicates COVID states ranking.

5 days ago

Mall industry will not be able to sustain if lockdown extends: Inorbit Mall CFO

料理次元新角色蛋饼攻略_出方案网:今天 · 料理次元是一款回合制类型的冒险手游,在游戏里面玩家可伍根据不同的编组和技能之间的搭配来进行关卡的攻略,最近官方为玩家推出了一个全新的角色,下面就让我伊来看看料理次元新角色蛋饼介绍及获取方法说明。

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    Robin Banerjee - Managing Director, Caprihans India Limited

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  • Robin Banerjee
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    Risk Management Challenges for Finance Leaders in 2023

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    Harish Kumar Agarwal - CFO, Kamdhenu Group

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  • Vikas Chadha
    【东东麻雀】街机模拟器游戏东东麻雀下载-超能街机:2021-1-25 · 网易阴阳师安卓版 类型:角色扮演 大小:1.21 GB 长安幻世绘手游官网版 类型:策略棋牌 大小:501.2 MB 最终王冠官网版 类型:角色扮演 大小:773 MB 闹闹天宫满V畅玩版 类型:角色扮演 大小:324.53 MB 非人学园豪华版 类型:角色扮演 大小:1.04 GB

    What makes investors invest and how do they find the right match

  • Ashish Sharma
    Ashish Sharma - CFO, Aye Finance

    Impact of Finance Minister's package on the NBFC sector and way forward

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110 days ago

Return of labour, truckers important to fix India's broken supply chain: Kamdhenu Group CFO

Over the past two weeks, migrant workers have been stranded at various places in the country, demanding food and wages.

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    135 days ago

    Impact of COVID-19: If the situation becomes grave, there can be salary cuts or layoffs in next one month, says INOX Leisure CFO

  • 136 days ago

    Dr Lal PathLabs is ready to conduct coronavirus test if govt allows: CFO Ved Goel


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  • don t expect significant defaults in retail home loans after moratorium pnb housing cfo

    Don’t expect significant defaults in retail home loans after moratorium: PNB Housing CFO

  • 麻雀加速器破解

    Bata wears a new pair of shoes for Covid-19 but demand slacks

  • 麻雀加速器破解

    Mall industry will not be able to sustain if lockdown extends: Inorbit Mall CFO

  • 麻雀加速器破解

    200% sure we will bring down Chinese imports to zilch: Seshagiri Rao of JSW

  • we expect to reach 100 disbursement levels in q3 shriram housing fin cfo

    We expect to reach 100% disbursement levels in Q3: Shriram Housing Fin CFO

  • 麻雀加速器官网安卓

    Due to Covid-19, physical medical tests become a challenge for us: Policybazaar CFO

  • remote working has not reduced the risk of corporate fraud says nikhil bedi

    Remote working has not reduced the risk of corporate fraud, says Nikhil Bedi

  • 麻雀加速器破解

    ‘India’s Digital Tax not a discriminatory practice on the face of it’

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    麻雀天极牌3.0.5安卓下载-麻雀天极牌安卓最新版下载-ROM之家:2021-11-12 · 麻雀天极牌是一款经典的手机麻将游戏,规则玩法正宗,新人也能快速上手。丰富的游戏模式,多人在线匹配对战,对局精彩刺激。公平公正的游戏环境,保证玩家输赢全靠技术,喜欢打牌的小伙伴快来下载游戏体验吧。

  • 麻雀加速器官网安卓

    Now is the best time to bring DTC reform: Steelcase India CFO

  • wirecard scandal credibility of the entire ecosystem audit is under question says shailesh haribhakti

    Wirecard Scandal: Credibility of the entire ecosystem (audit) is under question, says Shailesh Haribhakti

  • corporate rejig plan will take care of long term requirements cfo motherson sumi

    Corporate rejig plan will take care of long-term requirements: CFO, Motherson Sumi

  • 麻雀加速器破解

    To soon start disbursements to new customers but with tighter underwriting rules: EarlySalary CFO

  • double digit growth feasible but won t lend left right centre mas financial

    Double digit growth feasible but won't lend left, right & centre: Mas Financial

  • 麻雀加速器破解

    Collection efficiency at 60% in June, focus remains on ‘cashless’: Micro lender Satin

  • rising preference for domestic products bodes well for us polycab cfo

    麻雀搜索器下载_麻雀搜索器官方下载_麻雀搜索器2.4-华军软件园:2021-3-10 · 麻雀搜索器2.4顺利下载完成,很不错,麻雀搜索器最新版本就是棒 9楼 华军网友 16-10-10 09:21:34 在我用过的搜寻引擎软件里,这个麻雀搜索器算不上是最稳定,最快的,但绝对是最特别的。

  • 80 demand is back for paint company akzo nobel cfo sees growth by festive season

    80% demand is back for paint company Akzo Nobel; CFO sees growth by festive season

  • india s top gold financier is shining bright under the haze of covid19

    India’s top gold financier is shining bright under the haze of Covid19

  • cannot boycott trade relations with china immediately says vikrant k aggarwal of evi technologies

    Cannot boycott trade relations with China immediately, says Vikrant K Aggarwal of EVI Technologies

  • 麻雀加速器破解

    Top GST changes that Industry wants for ease of doing business

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  • bank of baroda invites applications for cfo post
    12 days ago

    Bank of Baroda invites applications for CFO post

    The development comes within two weeks after Subrat Kumar was appointed as CFO, effective from July 10. The new CFO will be responsible for accounting, budget planning and control, cash management, strategic planning, treasury, ALM, tax handling and overall directing the financial policies.

  • covid speed read experts debate vaccine shots india inc seen to be more resilient amid pandemic
    12 days ago

    雀魂官网-雀魂官网下载-天凤麻雀app中文版_多特软件站 ...:2021-6-13 · 雀魂麻将majsoul官网安卓版感受到最丰富多彩的麻将的 游戏 的玩法,在中国的不一样地域都是有分别特色的麻将打法,每一个地区玩的麻将的胜负标准是不一样的,有的区别還是许多的,这种全部全国各地的麻将手机游戏都能所有在这里玩到,全国各地的游戏玩家都能够在这里玩上最了解的麻将。

    For better protection from Covid-19 outbreak experts debate on effectiveness of vaccine dosage as Serum Institute of India (SII) CEO Adar Poonawalla has announced production and pricing in India. Delhi's sero-prevalence study has found that 23.48% people have been infected by the virus. Meanwhile, India Inc has shown resilience to carry on amid the pandemic. ETCFO brings these update and more...

  • digitalisation will enable cfos to take proper decisions and become a strategic partner to the business
    12 days ago

    Digitalisation will enable CFOs to take proper decisions and become a strategic partner to the business

    Before the spread of the Covid-19, India Inc preferred to deal with face-to-face meetings, product launches, hiring employees and just about everything, however with the onset of the pandemic it has swiftly adopted digital modes and all its major activities including the AGMs and EGMs are now replaced with video conferencing, online product launches and virtual onboarding of employees. In a virtual summit crafted by the ETCFO, top industry CFOs, Govind Mundhra, CFO, Wework, Sugata Sircar, CFO and Country Finance Partner, Schneider Electric, Sameer Aggarwal, CFO, Manipal Hospitals, Ved Prakash Goel, CFO, Dr Lal PathLabs and Rikhil Shah, CFO, SBI, General Insurance discussed various aspects of digitalisation and asserted that CFO's role will evolve further and get closer to becoming a partner to the business.

  • l t technology names rajeev gupta as cfo

    L&T Technology names Rajeev Gupta as CFO

    Gupta replaces P Ramakrishnan, who will now assume a new role in the L&T Group.

  • india inc cfos tell us what supply chains are wearing in the new normal
    13 days ago


    FuddledMuddled官方版|FuddledMuddled游戏官方版预约 v1.0 ...:2021-11-14 · FuddledMuddled官方版是一款精美卡通风格的模拟养成类手游,玩家在某一天误入这个世外桃源,获得被认可的魔杖,在这里可伍随心所欲自由创作来改造这个世界,你可伍将树种在空中,在地上放一颗星星,你还可伍让月亮永远留在空中,非常的有意思。

  • big four fear reputational risk as auditors resigned 10 times citing unsatisfactory responses

    Big Four fear reputational risk as auditors resigned 10 times citing 'unsatisfactory responses’

    Corporate collapses, such as IL&FS and DHFL, have increased the scrutiny on the Big Four audit giants.

  • 麻雀加速器破解
    13 days ago

    Covid Speed Read: Biocon Chairperson calls for immunisation strategy; India's debt-to-GDP to shoot up in FY21

    Biocon Limited Chairperson Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw has called for an immunisation strategy for India to administer the Covid-19 vaccine upon availability. Also, with the government borrowing to maintain momentum amid the pandemic, India's debt-to-GDP ratio may shoot up from 72.2% in FY20 to 87.6% at the end of FY21. States make plans ranging from job creation to customised lockdown to combat the virus outbreak.

  • 麻雀加速器官网安卓
    13 days ago

    枫叶播放器汉化版下载-枫叶播放器官方安卓汉化版 v2.2.4 ...:2021-12-31 · 枫叶播放器官网安卓汉化版是一款手机上经常使用的MP3音乐播放器应用,等你感受一下就会知道,其音质特别的好,就好像是在听真人真音一样,活生生的感受,爱音乐的你可伍前来感受一下哦! 友情小编点评: 胜在直观便捷,易于操作,高质量音频,确实不错哦!

    "Employees can no longer have face-to-face meetings with peers and managers to discuss ethical dilemmas and potential policy violations. In such cases, they are likely to turn to the whistleblowing channel," said Nikhil Bedi.

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